No Satisfaction
Satisfaction with the NHS
The latest results for 2011, however, show a marked drop in overall satisfaction – from 70 per cent to 58 per cent. While this level of satisfaction remains the third highest since 1983, this fall is the largest drop in satisfaction in one year since the British Social Attitudes survey started. The results also show rises in dissatisfaction – from an all-time low of around 18 per cent in 2010 to 24 per cent, and a rise in more equivocal attitudes (from 12 per cent to 18 per cent). link
Respondents to the survey may be reacting to actual deteriorations in aspects of the NHS which they value and so express less satisfaction. Alternatively, and for whatever reason, respondents may perceive a reduction in the performance and quality of the NHS – for example, through negative media stories and reporting – and express this as a reduction in satisfaction.
the king´s fund
Andrew Lansley secretary of state for health link
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