quarta-feira, março 2

Portugal campeão das benzodiazepinas

Hoje as equipas de reportagem dos três Canais de Televisão nacionais, fizeram piquete à porta do Infarmed para obter declarações dos responsáveis deste Instituto sobre o REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD FOR 2004.
Um curto Iten deste relatório lançou o espanto entre as hostes de jornalistas, referindo aquilo que há muito se sabia:
Portugal é o maior consumidor de substâncias psicotrópicas legais da Europa, à excepção da Irlanda, e que as razões para este consumo exagerado de drogas legais não são conhecidas pelas autoridades portuguesas.
Agora que estes factos vêm referidos no "Report of the INCB for 2004", já são dignos de atenção e levados a sério pelo Zé Portuga. Ah país da saloiada. Ver estudo: Evolução do consumo de benzodiazepinas em Portugal de 1995 a 2001 (link)
  • "The Board notes that the rate of licit consumption of psychotropic substances in Portugal is higher than that of every other European country except Ireland and that the reasons for the high level in Portugal are not known. In Portugal, seizures of medicines containing diazepam, alprazolam or oxazepam indicate that, despite the strict control system in place, there is some diversion of those substances from the licit market to the illicit market. The Board therefore calls on the Government of Portugal to examine the current system of control of the distribution of pharmaceutical products, as well as current practice concerning prescription and use of benzodiazepines. The Board would also like to draw the attention of the Government to Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolution 44/13, entitled “Contribution to the appropriate use of benzodiazepines”.


    Blogger xavier said...

    Mais dois itens do referido relatório sobre Portugal

    515. Portugal and Spain continue to be used as main points of entry for cocaine consignments from South America, accounting for 5 per cent of the cocaine seized worldwide. There was an increase in the total amount of cocaine seized in some Western European countries (Belgium, France and Italy); that figure also increased in some Eastern European countries, albeit from a lower level. In Estonia, 30 kg of cocaine were seized in 2003, the largest figure ever recorded in that country.

    538. A mission of the Board visited Portugal in April 2004. The Board examined the legal framework that
    has been applicable to drug-related offences involving small quantities of drugs since July 2001 and noted
    that the acquisition, possession and abuse of drugs had remained prohibited. While the practice of exempting small quantities of drugs from criminal prosecution is consistent with the international drug control treaties, the Board emphasizes that the objective of the treaties is to prevent drug abuse and to limit the use of controlled substances to medical and scientific purposes. The Board calls on the Government of Portugal to examine ways in which the commissions for the dissuasion of drug abuse can contribute towards preventing drug abuse.

    12:59 da manhã  

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