quarta-feira, setembro 13

Processo de Reforma

O recém empossado NHS chief executive, David Nicholson, definiu três prioridades para o NHS: mais disciplina e rigor; reposicionamento da reforma de molde a identificar os benefícios junto dos pacientes; reformulação da liderança: necessidade de novos gestores com perfil e formação adequadas para conduzir as organizações da saúde. link

Nicholson says he begins his period as chief executive with three priorities. "First, we need more discipline and rigour in the way we manage our business in the NHS in many parts of the country: I need to design that. Second, we need to reposition reform in terms of identifying the benefits to patients. And third, we need to work on leadership. We are not producing people with the right skills to lead organisations and we need to do something about that. Unusually, in the developed world we have few clinical people in charge of organisations. We need to change that. And there are not enough women and black people in senior positions. I need to do something about that as well."(...)

Disciplina, rigor, melhoria da liderança, esclarecimento das reformas junto das populações e identificação dos benefícios junto dos utentes, parece-me um conjunto de medidas chave para o êxito do nosso processo de reforma.