Politica de cortes a eito
Healthcare sector link
44. Policy implementation is continuing broadly in line with MoU's deadlines and is starting to produce
important savings. Savings result in particular from the revision of the co-payment system, new rules on
prescriptions and centralised purchasing of pharmaceuticals, services outsourced to private providers, and
hospital restructuring.
45. Regarding pharmaceuticals, a wide set of measures has been implemented. This includes compulsory eprescription
and INN prescription, changes in pharmacies mark-ups, changes in the international reference price
system and in the pricing of generics, removal of administrative and legal hurdles to entry of generics,
prescription guidelines and regular monitoring of prescription behaviour and feedback to physicians. These
measures are leading to important savings in outpatient public spending (-7.7 percent year-on-year in the first
half of 2012). They are also contributing to a reduction in the private pharmaceutical spending (-8.8 percent for
the same period). As these measures have been implemented only recently, one can expect the savings to be even
higher next year. Savings on pharmaceuticals in hospitals have been slower to materialise (-1.2 percent year-onyear
in the first half of 2012), though recent centralised tenders may potentially lead to important savings.
Together with the agreement made with the pharmaceutical industry (which includes a "clawback" of up to EUR
300 million for 2012), these measures are likely to ensure the attainment of the MoU target for 2012, which is a
reduction in expenditure to 1.25 percent of GDP.
46. Regarding primary care, authorities are taking steps to ensure that all the population is served by
family doctors and that health services are used in a more rational manner. More family care units (USFs)
opened (29) and will open (27) in 2012 and the patient registries for family doctors are being updated. The set-up
of the electronic medical record now has to be rolled out through NHS facilities. These steps are important for a
rational use of services and an improved quality, including by avoiding duplication or unnecessary use of
services (diagnostics, emergency care). The revision of the co-payment system also contributed to reducing the
use of emergency care while increasing the use of primary care.(falso) Revenues from co-payments doubled: about
EUR 80 million in the first half of 2012 (EUR 37 million in the first half of 2011).
47. Regarding the hospital sector important savings have been realised. Operational costs of hospitals were
reduced by 10 percent in 2011 (EUR 290 million) and by an additional 8.7 percent in the first half of 2012 (EUR
228 million). These savings are in line with MoU targets (15 percent reduction over 2011-2013). Authorities
confirmed their commitment to implementing a hospital reform which includes hospital reorganisation and
changes to hospital financing and hospital performance measurement. They will present the plan for the
restructuring of the hospital network in November. Meanwhile, some measures have already been implemented
as several hospitals have been merged into existing hospital groups, resulting in the concentration of medical
departments and laboratories, along with a reduction of beds and overtime.
48. Regarding the reform aiming at making public healthcare sub-systems (ADSE, SAD, ADM) selffinanced
by 2016, little has been done so far. There has been a small reduction in spending and effort has been
put in negotiating prices with providers. However, the agreed cut in the transfers from the public budget has not
taken place.
Etiquetas: troika, Um país em sofrimento
Regarding the reform aiming at making public healthcare sub-systems (ADSE, SAD, ADM) selffinanced by 2016, little has been done so far. There has been a small reduction in spending and effort has been put in negotiating prices with providers. However, the agreed cut in the transfers from the public budget has not taken place.
Contra toda a racionalidade, há uma mão protectora que segura os subsistemas públicos nos moldes actuais. Não a conhecendo, tenho por certo estar ao serviço dos grandes grupos económicos do sector. A que preço? pergunta-se.
Enquanto à maioria dos portugueses se dificulta o acesso ao SNS (taxas moderadoras transformadas em co-pagamentos, cortes em isenções, limitações ao direito de escolha impondo-se (na prática) a referenciação hospitalar obrigatória), uma minoria usufrui de um seguro de saúde de luxo pago por todos. Seguro esse que lhe permite utilizar o próprio SNS sem quaisquer encargos para o segurador.
E, pasme-se, tenho informações de que foi garantido aos privados que a actual situação iria manter-se até 2015.
Uma vergonha! Ou melhor, mais uma num país de governantes desavergonhados.
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