segunda-feira, julho 27

UE, desigualdades em Saúde

A Comissão Europeia (CE) solicitou a colaboração dos parceiros (03.02.09/ 15.04.09), relativamente a um conjunto de questões sobre a redução das desigualdades no domínio da saúde na UE. link
O relatório com 125 respostas de 13 Estados-Membros e organizações de âmbito comunitário foi agora publicado (23 de Julho), não contando com qualquer contributo de Portugal.

Entre as respostas, respiguei o seguinte excerto, cuja leitura recomendo vivamente à dr.ª Manuela Ferreira Leite:
«Huge differences in access to and quality of treatment received, both between Member States and between different groups of patients within a country, were also remarked on as another determinant of health inequalities. The worst access to health care was reported for highly vulnerable groups including mentally disabled people, unaccompanied minor immigrants and trafficked women. The increasing liberalisation in the health care sector is a source of concern to social umbrella organisations as they report this is increasing health inequalities and it is feared that this might lead to a two tier system. »
