Inapropriação de cuidados
«Unnecessary use of expensive hospital care is another proxy to monitor accessibility of primary care services. A significant proportion of ED visits are found to be unnecessary, for problems that normally should not require emergency care. Figure 2.3 shows that among patients who visited an ED, 27% of patients on average across EU countries did so because primary care was not available (van den Berg et al., 2016). This proportion was lowest in Denmark, Belgium, Greece and Romania, where less than 15% of patients reported going to an ED because of a lack of primary care availability. At the other end of the scale, the Slovak Republic reported the highest proportion, with 74% of patients going to an ED because primary care was not available, followed by the Czech Republic (52%) and Slovenia (42%).
As for unmet needs for a medical examination, high social inequalities arise in inappropriate visits to EDs. Inappropriate visits to EDs are significantly higher among the most disadvantaged populations. People living in the most deprived areas, low-income groups, low-education groups, or ethnic minorities consistently have a higher risk of unwarranted ED visits (Berchet, 2015). In England, for instance, people living in the most deprived fifth of neighbourhoods (first quintile of income at neighbourhood level) are nearly two and a half times more likely to be admitted to an ED as people living in the most affluent fifth (Figure 2.4) (Centre for Health Economics, 2016). Providing equal access to primary care for the whole population is therefore essential to reduce social inequalities.»
Health at the Glance Europe 2016 link
No nosso país o recurso massivo aos Serviços de Urgência Hospitalares deve-se ,fundamentalmente, à incapacidade de sucessivos governos em promover a reorganização da rede de cuidados do SNS.
Contrariando o objectivo inicial do actual ministro da saúde, a utilização das urgências continua a crescer todos os dias. A taxa de inapropriação destes cuidados, muito elevada, continua também a aumentar. link
Os utentes com médico de família pretendem numa única sessão de consulta acesso a atendimento médico, realização de MCDTS e actualização do seu plano terapêutico (consulta resolutiva). Por outro lado, a população cada vez mais envelhecida com múltiplas patologias, carece de resposta mais pronta das consultas de especialidade.
Perante o falhanço da rede, os utentes do SNS furam o sistema apropriando-se dos serviços de urgência, mais caros, num esbanjamento alarve de recursos.
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