Testes rápidos
Diagnósticos precoces

A home testing kit that spots early signs of disease anywhere in the body could be available within 10 years, according to a leading scientist. link
The simple blood test is being developed to allow people to screen themselves for life-threatening diseases, including a variety of cancers and dementias, before they develop any symptoms.
In many cases, a quick diagnosis significantly improves a patient's chances of recovering from an illness.
The test is expected to be the first major advance to emerge from a new field of biology called "proteomic fingerprinting", which promises tests that can assess the health of each organ in the body one by one.
The simple blood test is being developed to allow people to screen themselves for life-threatening diseases, including a variety of cancers and dementias, before they develop any symptoms.
In many cases, a quick diagnosis significantly improves a patient's chances of recovering from an illness.
The test is expected to be the first major advance to emerge from a new field of biology called "proteomic fingerprinting", which promises tests that can assess the health of each organ in the body one by one.
Finalmente, desvendado o mistério da história do "pôr o dedo"...
Trata-se, então, de proceder a testes rápidos para diagnósticos precoces de possíveis doenças que possam atingir os funcionários do MS.
Daí, a designação "Alert".
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