Health service shopping

(...) Health commissioner Markos Kyprianou's draft bill stressed patients' right to freedom of movement - a basic tenet of the EU internal market - and said that the way member states organise their health systems is not an excuse for denying patients this right.
An official in the European Parliament familiar with the proposal said the feeling among its critics was that it "it went much too far in giving total freedom of mobility" and came too close to "health service shopping." link
MEPs want the new proposal to make it clear that national health service need first to authorise patients going abroad for medical treatment and that the priority should be for rare diseases.
MEPs want the new proposal to make it clear that national health service need first to authorise patients going abroad for medical treatment and that the priority should be for rare diseases.
Member states' biggest fear was they were going to lose control over their health budget by not being able to predict how many claims were going to come in.
The level of protest was such that it was clear that both the European Parliament and member states were going to kill it off at the earliest chance in the legislative process.
The proposal is now expected to be revised and published in February, according to the commission's health spokesperson.
Ainda sobre a reforma do SNS europeu, o mesmo EU Observer diz que a legislação comunitária mais polémica está a ser adiada até todos os Estados Membros ratificarem o Tratado de Lisboa. O pacote da saúde é um dos exemplos dados.
"EU officials also refer to the clamp-down on policy activity during the Slovene presidency as member states begin the process of ratifying the bloc's new treaty.
Last month, a controversial health plan was shelved by the European Commission because it was felt it could upset ratification.
Other potentially controversial talks - such on an EU diplomatic service - are also on the backburner until the Lisbon treaty is approved by the 27 member states."
O que só em parte faz sentido, uma vez que, para a semana, a Comissão Europeia vai lançar um pacote de medidas climáticas que penaliza os países com facturas energéticas mais poluidoras.
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