domingo, fevereiro 17

Health for All

Saúde e desenvolvimento
A Conferência Internacional sobre Cuidados Primários de Saúde de Alma-Ata realizou-se a 12 de Setembro de 1978. Há, por conseguinte, trinta anos . A declaração de Alma Ata, reafirmou enfaticamente que a saúde - estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social, e não simplesmente a ausência de doença ou enfermidade - é um direito humano fundamental, e que a consecução do mais alto nível possível de saúde é a mais importante meta social mundial, cuja realização requer a acção de muitos outros sectores sociais e económicos, além do sector da saú
The 30th anniversary of the declaration of Alma-Ata at the International Conference of Primary Health Care will be on Sept 12, 2008.1 This non-binding declaration stated that primary health care was the key to the attainment of a level of health sufficient to permit people to lead a socially and economically productive life by the year 2000. The use of appropriate technology (ie, relevant to the needs of the population, affordable, and scientifically justified) was emphasised, perceived medical elitism was opposed, and a commitment was made to use health as an engine of development. The boundaries of primary health care can be debated, partly because there are international differences in the way health systems are organised, but generally they can be considered to encompass the spectrum of care from that delivered in the patient's home (eg, by community health workers) to care delivered in facilities that represent the first point of contact with the health