Por encomenda
At the request of the Portuguese authorities In drafting this report, the team benefited greatly from discussions with Ministers and/orState Secretaries from all 11 ministries as well as their staffs, and with variousrepresentatives of other organizations. Specifically, the mission met with Ministers of StateVítor Gaspar (Finance) and Paulo Portas (Foreign Affairs); Ministers José Pedro Aguiar-Branco (National Defense), Miguel Macedo (Internal Administration), Paula Teixeira daCruz (Justice), Álvaro Santos Pereira (Economy and Employment), Assunção Cristas(Agriculture, Sea, Environment, and Spatial Planning), Paulo Macedo (Health), Nuno Crato(Education and Science), and Pedro Mota Soares (Solidarity and Social Security); and Secretaries of State Carlos Moedas (Prime Minister’s Office) and Paulo Simões Júlio (Minister Assistant of Parliamentary Affairs). The mission team greatly benefitted from theguidance provided by State Secretaries Luís Morais Sarmento and Helder Rosalino of theMinistry of Finance, and Miguel Morais Leitão of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The team would like to express its sincere appreciation for the excellent discussions and feedback provided by the government officials it met with. It would like to express its gratitude to the staff of ESAME for its outstanding coordination and logistical help during the team’s stay in Lisbon.
O Governo pediu, o FMI aceitou, os membros do governo colaboraram, e o que ainda resta do Estado de Direito Social está à mercê desta camarilha de políticos medíocres e incompetentes.
E nós deixamos!
Etiquetas: liberais pacotilha, Um país em sofrimento
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