domingo, outubro 18

Nem às paredes confessa

Cortes a eito 
«Health spending in Portugal continues to contract In 2013, per capita health spending in Portugal dropped by 3.7% in real terms - the third year in succession that health expenditure has fallen in real terms. Public health spending has been continuously reduced since 2010 . The share of government spending in Portugal as a share of total spending on health has decreased by about 6 percentage points over the last decade and stood at 66% in 2013. This is well below the OECD average of 73%. The share of out-of-pocket spending has increased in Portugal by around 5 percentage points in the last decade, reaching 28% in 2013. This is well above the average across OECD countries (19%) and also higher than in a number of other southern European countries such as Spain and Italy (both at 22%) but below the level of Greece (31%). It remains relatively high compared to other European countries such as France (7%) or the United Kingdom (10%). In per capita terms (adjusted for different price levels using economy-wide purchasing power parities), Portugal spent USD 2482 per head in 2013. This compares with an OECD average of USD 3453.» 
How does in health spending Portugal compare ? link 
Faltam escassos meses para o Dr. Paulo Macedo regressar ao seu habitat natural. Depois de quatro anos de cortes a eito, desinvestimento e outras patifarias feitas à Saúde dos portugueses. 
Depois deste ministro a Saúde não será mais a mesma no nosso pobre país. Perdeu qualidade e acesso às novas tecnologias. Perdeu especialistas, investimento público e utentes para o sector privado. Paulo Macedo não teve jeito nem coragem para realizar as reformas necessárias. Preferiu promover a erosão do sector público em favor do sector privado. 
Dentro em breve, as despesas da Saúde voltarão a crescer. Pretexto para novas politicas de cortes a eito e de reforço do sector privado. (*) 
Dentro em breve, instalado no novo poleiro, o novo expert em temas da saúde será convidado para falar nos foruns mais sofisticados. Sobre a crise, sustentabilidade e estatísticas da Saúde. Omitindo sempre que teve o pássaro na mão e o deixou escapar. 
Acontece que a incompetência nunca se confessa. 

(*) Although the crisis led to a slowdown in health spending growth, particularly in Europe, public expenditure on health and long-term care in OECD countries is set to increase from around 6% of GDP today to almost 9% of GDP in 2030 and as much as 14% by 2060, unless governments can contain costs, according to OECD projections. Health spending has risen faster than economic growth in all OECD countries over the past 20 years, and public funds still account for around three-quarters of health spending. Many countries remain heavily reliant on payroll taxes, which will decline as their populations age. Upward pressure on health spending comes from new technology in medical services, rising incomes driving higher expectations, and the growing needs of ageing populations. link
